Monday brings us the long trip down to Country Bowls.  There is not many positive things to say after the side losing 10 points to 2.   Three of our teams never even got to double figures.  On the positive side out of the 56 ends we only dropped 4 x 3 times and won 20 times, so a lot of those ends must have been very tight.  We welcome back Mick & Desna able aided by Peter Horsfield and they had a creditable loss of 16-17, our 2 points came from Garth Slater, Norman Ship and Barry Roberts with a win of 26-17.  Not one of our best days but Country Bowls is a nice drive and it was glorious bowling weather.  Final result 2-10 points and shots 60-116.


Wednesday saw us at home to the Emerald Isle on a sunny but windy morning, another loss I am afraid but not all doom and gloom.  Our 2 singles coincidently lost 12-21, our rinks was a welcome back to Maureen Kidd skipping where she was admirably supported by Lesley & David Joynes and Norman Ship where they won 16-13.  Our pairs of Peter Parsons and Don Fowkes also won 18-10.  But unfortunately our trip went down 13-24, giving a final result of 4 points to 8 and a shot difference of 71-99.


Dave Hadaway