Vulcans played at San Miguel Moors and got beaten 4-8 Aggregate 72-92, N Prior S Elvin C Lindgren 20-16 P Willicott S Marks R Marks 14-13

Victors played at home against Monte Mar Torros and they slipped to a 4-8, Aggregate of 85-88. J Forrest B Eldred B Carter 24-13, S Ellis J McGregor A Forrest 19-11

Dukes were at San Miguel Sheriffs and they got beaten 4-8 Aggregate of 70-87, M Dyer 21-13    S Marks R Marks 20-11

Earls were at home against Country Bowls Foes and lost Aggregate 58-95, G Digby J McGregor M Willicott   19-15, J Forrest A Forrest C Wilson J Loughran drew 14 all

Elwyn Morris