December has seen the final games of the first half of the winter leagues and it is pleasing to say that the Pearls are topping the first Division and the Diamonds the third division of the South Alicante League. In the Southern League our Swallows are also in first place.
On the 10th December many of our members gathered at The Club for our annual Dinner Dance which was a very successful event, with an excellent Xmas Dinner followed by dancing the night away to the fabulous duo Diverse.
On 16th December we held the Xmas Mufti Triples tournament and all the members did us proud with their Christmas outfits, with the prize for the best lady going to Cathy Skinner and the prize to the best man, a really resplendent Father Christmas, Tony Goddard. The tournament winners were Tanya Oliver, Steve Fedtschyschack and Derek Sale. The event was followed by an excellent buffet.

The 29th & 30th December we hosted our annual Chrisyear Aussie Pairs tournament, with 24 competing pairs. This was a highly competitive event with some excellent bowling throughout the two days. The eventual winners were Deidre Leeming and Peter Morgan, winning on an extra end in the final against Pete & Lisa Bonsor who had returned for the Xmas holidays from their new home in Australia. See photo attached.
Our Saturday morning ‘Chicken Drive’ is open to visitors. Players wishing to take part should report at 9.45 a.m. for a 10.00 a.m. start.
For more information about our club please contact our membership secretary Joe Riley on 96 572 5787 or e mail New bowlers are welcome and introductory coaching is available.