Greenlands Bowls Club By Dave Webb
2 July 2021
The results of matches played in the trips internal league are as follows .....On Monday morning
The Oaks were at home to the Beech, Final scores were - total shots for - 50, shots against - 35. Points...
Greenlands Bowls Club Roundup
On Monday the Oaks were at home to The Ash, Final score were - shots for 39, against - 45, Points for - 3, against - 5.Highest scoring rink for the Ash were - Brian Tomlin, Mary Lockley, skip...
Greenlands Bowls Club by Dave Webb
Our Trips internal league has now commenced which is another step towards a more normal bowling atmosphere. The four teams are named Oaks, Beech, Ash and Cedars, the results of this weeks matches are as follows..........
The Beech were the...
Greenlands Bowls Club
Our internal league has come to its end on Tuesday 25th May. The final league positions are as follows,
1 Panthers, played 10, won 27, lost 13, shots for - 560, against - 462, dif 98 = 54 Points.
2 Tigers,...
Greenlands Bowls Club
On Monday in the Enterprise Div, the Maples were at home to San Miguel, final score - shots for, 108 - 67, Points, 10 - 2. best winning rink were - C Stobbart, K McKenna, K Stobbart. - 28...