After a couple of years away from the job, I again took on the role of President of the CBUMA in November 2021, with Gail as secretary and treasurer and with a new team of Vice Presidents – John Pittaway representing the north of the Costa Blanca, and John O’Brien the south.
Our first job was to look at the Markers Course. This course is great for anyone who wishes to learn more about the laws of the game and how to measure properly. Qualifying to mark singles games is almost a bonus! Previously, the courses were run over 3 days. Our plan was to reduce the number of days to 2 and put part of the course material onto the CBUMA website. This proved to be a popular decision, with an unprecedented number of people wanting to take the course.

Two Markers courses were run, one in April at San Luis and the other in May at Javea. With the hard work of a great many umpires, we were able to qualify 42 new markers from 12 clubs. I would like to thank everyone involved in this process as well as the management of San Luis and Javea Green who provided us with the facilities.
The course material for Markers remains on the CBUMA website along with monthly brainteasers for anyone wishing to learn more or refresh their memory and skills – In 2023 we intend to focus on qualifying new umpires and will be in touch with clubs in the new year.
As you will be aware, the umpire’s uniform is a red shirt. We have now brought in a green shirt for markers, which means they will stand out as qualified markers at all events and recognises the hard work that goes in to passing the course. Any qualified marker can invest in a marker’s shirt. Please contact me for details.
Some of you may be aware that World Bowls is issuing a new law book – Crystal Mark 4th edition. The new book contains a significant number of technical amendments and 3 significant law changes, but as a result many of the law numbers have changed. World Bowls has left it to the Member National Authorities to determine when to implement the new laws and we are expecting to leave this until 1st April 2023, allowing us time to complete the Winter Season before the change. This also allows us to review the domestic regulations, get these approved by World Bowls and have the books printed. If this timescale changes, we will contact clubs via the LLB.
Finally, a few words for the competitors in the Valencians, which gets underway on 14 September, and other competitions.
Make sure you read the conditions of play, especially with regard to head visits and review the laws of rink possession which you will find on pages 15 and 16 or your red law book. Also, remember that your umpires and markers volunteer to cover these events, so a thank you is always welcome.
Enjoy the competition!
Fred Willshire
President CBUMA