On Monday the Pintos hosted Vistabella Albatrosses in a wind that caused a little consternation to all, with some amount of luck being needed to judge it’s effect on the bowls. But in the end it’s the company that counts.
The Albatrosses took all the points and deserved their win. Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 15-16. John Richards, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 9-15. Brian Harris, Ngaio Baldwin and Pete Baldwin 11-20. Ria Dukker, Pam Harris and Henry Ryder 10-26.
The Raiders meanwhile had a Bye.
Friday found the Mustangs entertaining San Luis Lions on a cold morning that chilled the bones, though probably not as cold as the UK. It was a close match with the breeze just toying with us a little; in the end both teams took 2 rinks and the Lions took the overall shots by 4.
Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 20-16. Brian Harris, Ngaio Baldwin and Pete Baldwin 18-9. John Richards, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 8-20. Lesley Day, Pam Harris and Henry Ryder 14-19.
The Broncos had a bye.
Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at micksheilacox@gmail.com