Enterprise An afternoon game for the Apollos who travelled to Emerald Isle for their game against the Titans. It was quite an even game with both teams gaining wins on two rinks apiece with the Apollos just holding on to take the points for the overall (Shots 74-73) by one. Result 6-4 and the rink winners being; Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (30-9). Ann & Robert Heath with Karen Kirk (22-14).
Discovery The Pioneer’s played host to San Miguel who unleashed their team the Dalmation’s on our squad with no doubts that they will not be walking away without a win. The Pioneers got quite close on two rinks but the visitors held on to take all of the points home with them (Shots 51-85).
Voyager The Sputniks had a Bye this week, but played there rearranged afternoon game on Tuesday 25th January at La Siesta against Quesada Rubies, the game on two rinks could have gone either way but the Sputniks stayed strong to collect the points on three rinks together with the overall (Shots 76-67) to win 8-2. Winning teams were; Tony Pridmore, Janet & Graham Doel (25-15). Jim Gwynn, Tracey Paffett & Ken Barber (17-16). Trevor Witcher, Maggie Gray & David Whitworth (15-14).
Winter League La Siesta welcomed their neighbour’s San Luis who managed to win well on three of the rinks but they were unable to claim a clean sheet, as our remaining rink kept on strong to collect the other two points. Team winners were; Kathleen Morrisroe, Tracey Paffett, Jim Jarvie & Dave Blackie (17-10). Lost 2-8 (Shots 48-79).
The Club Championship games are in the semi-final stages now, the finals will take place mid-march once the League games finish for the summer.
Every Tuesday the vice-captain Karen, invites interested members to attend the club to receive tuition on how to improve their bowling skills.
Every Wednesday afternoon,1.30 for 2pm bowlers are welcome to attend for the chicken and egg game. At 9.30 for 10am every Saturday Mike & Graham run an organised rollup, prizes are awarded to the best bowlers of the day.
Covid certificates and ID are checked prior to gaining entry to La Siesta.
Interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633 068 399 who will give you further information.