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FRIDAY LEAGUE – Friday 23rd April

As bowling still has restrictions we have decided to run in house competitions on a Monday and Friday, over six weeks. The first Friday League was Saint Georges day so everyone wore something red. It was a very enjoyable mornings bowling, followed by lunch and drinks at Maritas Kitchen.

CHICKEN RUN – Sunday 25th April

Although the numbers are still restricted everyone who put their name down had a game. We played eighteen ends with a break after nine. The chickens were won by Sheila Roberts and Neil Crawford and the eggs By Desiree Williams and Jim Shearing. Thank you to June and Ronnie who donated the chickens and Julia and Ian for donating the eggs. The football card was won By Jack Burrell with West Brom.


We had a fun competition played over eighteen ends with a break after nine ends for refreshments. The first nine ends the mat was placed on the tee and the jack was placed at different lenghts. The second nine ends the mat was placed at different lengths and the jack was placed on the tee.

It did cause a bit of confusion but everyone enjoyed their selves. The winning team all ladies was Jan Soars, Sue Boumds and Skip Cindy Bedford well done girls!!!! After the bowling Bernardo and his staff did a very enjoyable buffett in the Rincon.