Sunday brought Auriol Park from London to a sunny Emerald Isle and they had a great game with the home taking the spoils but a good time was had by all. The photo shows team captains Ann Marie and Rosemary

The Victors played at home on Monday against Quesada Lancasters but it turned out not such a great day with visitors winning 0-12, Aggregate 58-85
Vulcans played at San Miguel Moors and were beaten 2-10, Aggregate of 71-107, J Pooley S Elvin M Odell 20-10
The Cavaliers travelled to Bonalba on Tuesday to play the North v South winners game and the Cavaliers won convincingly to take the trophy, rounding off a great season. Aggregate 88-49. D Jones B Kavanagh C Lindgren 25 -8, M Veale S Marks R Marks 22-18, J Pooley Jo Pering Julian Pering 22-6, N Prior A M Gerrard D Gerrard 19 -17
Dukes played San Luis Falcons on Wed, away, and got a good 6-6 draw Aggregate 84-88, C Lindgren 21-15, S Marks R Marks 19-18, N Prior B Eldred K Jolliffe D Gerrard 19-15
Earls played at home against La Siesta Hoopoes and slipped to a 4-8 Aggregate of 76-93 defeat, S Elvin 21-19, J Pooley 21-9
SAPS takes place on Sat mornings at 9-30
Elwyn Morris