Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry and Sunrise Builders.
After having to been cancelled twice Elvis (Gary Foley) finally appeared at the Alonia restaurant. What a wonderful afternoon enjoyed by all who attended, well waiting for !!!!! Even better Elvis will be back at the Alonia 13th February 2022, there is information on the notice board at the bowls club.

As the last race afternoon was so successful the social committee decided to oganise another one. Once again it was enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you to Kevin and Tony for organising the races and Dave for his kind donation to the club.

The annual Turkey chase was well supported, everyone wore something relating to Christmas and enjoyed a fun morning. Des Freeman won the ladies turkey and Jack Burrell the mens, the eggs were won by Jean Chamberlain and Paul Saunders. Thank you to Joan and Chris Harding, Jean and Rod Chamberlain who donated the Turkey
Crowns, Julia and Ian Hamilton who donated the eggs. The football card was won by Cindy Bedford with Rotherham.
On Wednesday 8th December we played a fun competition of trips over twelve ends. After the competition Cindy presented the winning team Sue, Mick and Jack with a Christmas pudding and brandy well done to all. We enjoyed a few drinks in the Rincon followed by a Carol sing along and nibbles. The football card was won by Neil Crawford with Celtic. Thank you Cindy for organising a lovely fun day.

On Saturday 11th December bowling and social members enjoyed lunch at the Portico Mar restaurant. After a delicious lunch the Christmas raffle took place the winners of the hampers were, Pat and Bill Winterburn, Sheila and Stuart Swallow, Caryl and John Williams. Thorton Chocolates and Cava-Rita Towle, Belfry Vouchers, John Freeman and Terry Nafzegar. Christmas cake, Pudding and wine-Chris Harding. Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to the ladies of the social club for organising such a wonderful afternoon.
For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website www.montemarbowls.com or email us at info@montemarbowls.com. we are also on Facebook.